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Need to save time?

Hire a company to form your LLC:
Northwest ($39 + state fee)
LegalZoom ($149 + state fee)

LLC University® is the first company to provide free LLC courses.

We teach you how to start your LLC yourself with easy to follow, step-by-step guides.

LLC University is a Benefit Company. Meaning rather than being focused on profit, we’re driven by our goal of helping 3 million readers per month. And we believe in providing value without expecting anything in return. #goodkarma

People are often surprised by how much information we give out for free, and they ask us, “How do you make money?”

How we make money

We maintain our free courses (and keep the lights on) in two ways:

  • through donations from our readers (thank you!)
  • through affiliate links

We maintain affiliate relationships with companies that provide services to small business owners. This means that when readers click certain links on our website, we may receive a commission.

This doesn’t cost our readers any extra money, though. In fact, our partnerships often allow us to negotiate discounted rates.

And if readers refund their purchase, then the affiliate commission is revoked. So, we’re disincentivized to promote crappy services.

Additionally, one of LLC University’s Core Values is “Helping your mom form an LLC”. Meaning, the advice and recommendations we have on our website are the same that we give to friends and family.

Some companies even reach out to us and offer more money than our current partners. But we don’t promote those services because they don’t pass our Customer Experience Test. We “leave that money on the table” because we care about earning your trust and making sure you have a positive experience. #wecantbebought

The final result is our ability to provide world-class free information while still keeping the lights on. We care about making sure we make money in honest ways. #makingmoneywithintegrity

How we do reviews

Before we recommend any company on our website, our team does extensive research and makes anonymous phone calls to their customer service team.

Extensive research

We research and determine things like:

  • Is their pricing reasonable
  • Do they provide value
  • What products are included in their core packages
  • What upsells do they have
  • Are their terms of service fair
  • Do they have a good refund policy

Customer service investigation

While on the phone:

  • We validate information (to see if they’re full of crap)
  • We ask beginner questions (to see if they’re friendly)
  • We ask challenging questions (to see if they’re knowledgeable)

We measure the quality of their customer service to make sure they aren’t just sales reps in disguise trying to upsell you things you don’t need. #notonourwatch

Buying the product or service

We then spend our own money and purchase their services anonymously. This way, they don’t treat us differently than they would any other customer. We go through the process just like you would.

Final review

After going through the Customer Experience Test, and making sure the company is of good value to our readers, only then do we consider them for a partnership.

Focusing on what matters

Our business model allows us to focus on what’s really important: delivering the most accurate, up-to-date, and unbiased information for our readers.

Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz has been the leading expert on LLC education for the past decade. He founded LLC University in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC that other companies weren't offering. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.