Donate to LLC University®

Matt Horwitz, founder of LLC University
Matt Horwitz, Founder of
LLC University®

We’ve spent the last 10 years making our LLC formation courses the best they can be, and we are continually improving them.

Our goal is to reach as many people as possible.

And with your help, we think we can do it.

LLC University® is a Benefit Company, which is hybrid between a non-profit and a for-profit business that has a social and economic impact.

In our efforts to promote small business, we are not focused on profit, but instead on our mission:

To Empower Entrepreneurs with Free Education

Here are a few ways you can help:

1. Leave a donation

Leave a donation and help support our mission: Paypal donation link

2. Share with your friends

Share our site with your friends:

3. Have a blog or website? Write a review!

Write about your experience using LLC University® to form your LLC.

Thank you,
Matt Horwitz
Founder & Educator
LLC University®
