What is a Texas WebFile Number and How to Find it?

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Texas issues 3 different WebFile numbers to LLCs.

These numbers are used for Annual Report and tax-related filings.

At first, these can be a little confusing, but don’t worry.

We’ll explain them below and help you make sense of everything.

What is a Texas WebFile number?

Texas WebFile numbers are “business ID numbers” issued by the Texas Comptroller.

And Texas LLCs use them to file Annual Reports and pay taxes.

(Note: WebFile is simply the name of the Comptroller’s online filing system.)

There are 3 different types of WebFile numbers:

  • the FQ number
  • the XT number
  • the RT number

Each WebFile number is used for different filings with the Comptroller’s office.

We’ll explain how each one works below.

What is a Texas FQ number?

The FQ number is your “initial” WebFile number. And this is automatically generated by the Texas Comptroller.

They’ll mail you a Welcome Letter 2-3 weeks after your LLC is approved.

And in this Welcome Letter, at the top, you’ll find your FQ number.

Welcome Letter - Texas LLC Franchise Tax Responsibility Letter (Form 05-280)

Matt Horwitz, founder of LLC University®

Pro Tip: If you didn’t receive a Welcome Letter (or you can’t find yours), call the Texas Comptroller 512-463-4402. Press option 5. Then press the star sign. Then press option 5 again. Then after the pre-recorded message, they’ll forward you to a representative.

Why do I need an FQ number?

You need an FQ number so you can complete the Franchise Tax Questionnaire.

All LLCs are required to complete this Questionnaire after receiving the Welcome Letter.

After you complete the Questionnaire, the Comptroller will issue your XT number.

What is a Texas XT number used for?

You’ll use this XT number to file the:

Matt Horwitz, founder of LLC University®

Good News! Most LLCs in Texas don’t even have to file or pay Franchise Tax. This is because Franchise Tax requirements only apply to LLC’s making $2.47 million per year or more.

How do I find my Texas XT number?

You’ll find your XT number in the Annual Report Reminder that is sent from the Texas Comptroller.

This Reminder will arrive in the mail 6 weeks before your first Texas Annual Report (PIR) is due.

Note: Your first Texas Annual Report (PIR) is due May 15th, the year after your LLC is approved. For example, if your LLC was approved in 2025, you won’t get this Reminder until March or April of 2026.)

This is what the Annual Report Reminder looks like. You can find your XT number in the box at the top.

Texas Annual Report Reminder Notice with XT Number

Tip: Because your Annual Report Reminder may not arrive for some time, you won’t get your XT number right away. If you’d like your XT number sooner, you can call the Comptroller’s office at 512-463-4402 to get it. Just make sure you complete the Franchise Tax Questionnaire first.

What is a Texas RT number used for?

An RT number is primarily used to file Sales and Use Tax.

You need to file Sales and Use Tax if:

  • you sell or lease tangible personal property in the state, or
  • you sell taxable services in Texas.

And some businesses also use the RT number to file miscellaneous taxes, such as:

  • 911 Surcharge and Fees
  • Sales Tax Surcharge on Diesel Equipment
  • Mixed Beverage Tax
  • Tobacco Tax
  • and more (see all taxes in Texas)
  • 911 Surcharge and Fees
  • Sales Tax Surcharge on Diesel Equipment
  • Mixed Beverage Tax
  • Tobacco Tax

How do I get an RT number in Texas?

You can get an RT number for your business by registering for a Sales Tax Permit.

You can get this permit online through the Texas Sales Tax Registration Application.

Once you’ve submitted your Sales Tax Registration Application, you will receive your Sales Tax Permit (including your RT number) in the mail within 2-3 weeks.

Texas Comptroller Contact Info

If you have any questions, or need help with Texas WebFile numbers, you can contact the Texas Comptroller at 512-463-4402.

And you can find more Texas Comptroller contact information in their Contacts Directory.

WebFile Number FAQs

Where can I find my Texas WebFile number?

Your WebFile number is printed at the top of the page on most notices the Texas Comptroller’s office sends (for example, your Welcome Letter).

If you can’t find your WebFile numbers, you can request them from the Texas Comptroller at 512-463-4402.

What’s the difference between the WebFile XT Number vs RT Number?

The XT number is used to file Annual Reports (your LLC’s Public Information Report, and the Franchise Tax Report, if applicable).

On the other hand, the RT number is primarily used to file Sales and Use Tax.

And some businesses also use the RT number to file miscellaneous taxes, such as:

What is WebFile used for?

WebFile is used for filing business reports and paying taxes, if applicable.

For example, every LLC in the state needs to file a Public Information Report (PIR).

And if your business makes more than $2.47 million, you’ll also need to file a Texas Franchise Tax return.

And if your business collects Sales Tax, you can also file that online through WebFile.

Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz is the leading expert on LLC education, and has been teaching for 15 years. He founded LLC University in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.

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