Deal alert! Northwest will form your LLC for $39 (60% discount). See details.
Should you put a comma in your LLC name or leave it out? It’s personal preference. Both are acceptable in all 50 states.
None of the 50 states have rules/restrictions about whether or not you have to use a comma.
Which do you think looks better?
ABC Widgets, LLC or ABC Widgets LLC?
Again, it’s totally up to you.
Need to save time? Hire a company to form your LLC:
Northwest ($39 + state fee) or LegalZoom ($149 + state fee)
(Learn why Northwest is #1 in Northwest vs LegalZoom)
The more traditional and commonly seen is the comma (ABC Widgets, LLC). And by more commonly seen, I mean with-the-comma LLCs encompass over 80% of registered LLCs in most states.
I’ve seen countless arguments for both cases.
An Illinois tax professional mentioned, “Your LLC’s name looks better with the comma.”
Then I heard another expert say, “The more contemporary way is to not use a comma.”
Ahhh man, who cares. Do whatever the hell you want! ;-)
One thing to make note of though…
Your LLC’s Legal Name
Whether you use a comma or not in your LLC name, it doesn’t matter.
What does matter though is that you stay consistent. If you choose a comma, then make sure to use it on all paperwork and contracts for your business.
The way in which your Secretary of State accepts/approves the LLC becomes its official legal name and you’ll need to stick with it.
Banking & Checks for Your LLC
As an FYI, if your company (ABC Widgets, LLC) gets checks, the bank will accept all iterations:
- ABC Widgets, LLC
- ABC Widgets LLC
- ABC Widgets
The bank is more laid back. They just want that money ;)
For more information on what makes an LLC name unique and distinguishable: Choosing your LLC name.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.
Should you put … before or after LLC?
Hi Christine, if you use a comma it would go before the “LLC”. For example, “Christine’s Salon, LLC”.
I have a A question relating to this thread…on documents/contracts when the company’s name is repeated multiple times…can I type LLC in a smaller font?
Thank you
Hi Taryn, I apologize for our slow reply. Yes, you can do that. We recommend making sure it’s not obfuscated or hard to see though.
Hi Matt,
My LLC was formed in all capitals when filing in Delaware due to normalization, I would like to do business with the first letters of each word capitalized e.g. CompanyName LLC and not COMPANYNAME LLC. Do I need a DBA for this or is capitalization irrelevant as long as I am consistent? Thank you.
Hi Steven, no, you don’t need a DBA for this. You can use your LLC name as Company Name LLC or COMPANY NAME LLC. Hope that helps :)
Thank you Matt!
I know you don’t control Northwest but just so you know they are committing something close to fraud they claim a fee plus the state fee
$39 plus the state fee but when Calif site the fee is $70 plus $39 would be $109
Northwest is adding in an additional fee of $20 claiming its a state fee making the total
Since I am an Inventright student I think I will tell my fellow students to check with the state first
Hi Eugene, we’ve been in touch with Northwest for an explanation. We’ll follow up here as soon as we hear back.
Hi Eugene, we’ve spoken with Northwest Registered Agent. The extra $20 is for the California LLC Statement of Information. Northwest files this for you if you hire them. The first LLC Statement of Information is due within 90 days of the LLC being approved. They are due every 2 years after that. Hope that helps :)
When documenting a loan should we use the entity name filed with the SOS or the Operating Agreement? For Example Business Registry and Articles of Organization shows ABC LLC (no comma) however Operating Agreement shows ABC, LLC (with comma). Thank you
Hi WD, it’s usually immaterial, however, the Articles of Organization is technically more accurate. Hope that helps.
Hi..I recently found out there is another company with my company’s exact name..what should I do about it.?
Hi Bernard, is the company located in the same state as your LLC? Is your LLC already formed? Feel free to provide more details if you’d like. Thanks.
When I file my LLC in my state does that mean people in other states can’t use the same LLC as me too? Or does it only apply to my state?
Hi Chris, it only applies to the state where you are forming your LLC. If you want national protection on your business’s brand name, that would be a federal trademark or a federal service mark. Hope that helps.
Can you use a web address with the dots as an LLC name? For example:, LLC?
Hi Javier, yes, you can use periods and commas in an LLC name (including web addresses) when filing with the state. Just a heads up though, the the IRS doesn’t allow periods when granting an EIN Number for your LLC. You’ll need to enter the name as “pickleballdepot dot us LLC” for the IRS. Also notice there is no comma in that name. The IRS strips out commas to “normalize” their data. However, this doesn’t affect the LLC’s legal name as you filed it with the state (and how you’d use it in business). Hope that helps.
Hello, suppose I have a company with (name).
Keeping mind of the period and another company opens and files for the same name without a period, will they be allowed because there’s does not have a period like mine? Thank you.
Hi Tim, the state will consider that LLC name not distinguishable and they will reject the filing. Check out our LLC filing instructions page and select your state. Then click on the “Name Search” lesson to learn more about LLC names and distinguishability. Hope that helps!
Regarding consistency with the name and “comma’s”, does the LLC need to be included in the logo and letterhead? For instance, if I want to market the business, do I need to include the LLC in the logo?
What about website, etc?
Does that fall under “consistency”?
Thank you.
Hi Monica, you don’t have to place “LLC” in the logo. Most logos don’t include corporate designators, however, on the website, yes; you’d want to let people know the site it owned by your LLC. Hope that helps.
Hi. We are primarily forming an LLC for asset protection as we start our RE Investing business however our current home is under our name. Would we be able to protect that asset if we obtain a Trust rather than or if we are unable to transfer title to our LLC?
Hi Mia, a Trust does not offer personal liability protection. Instead, it can offer privacy and is beneficial for probate and inheritance tax reasons.