Arizona LLC Approved Newspapers

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Approved newspapers for the Arizona LLC publication requirement

The information below is part of our lesson on the Arizona LLC publication requirements. If you ended up on this page by mistake, go back to our guide on how to start an Arizona LLC.

To recap:

  • If your LLC has a Statutory Agent with an address in Maricopa County or Pima County, you don’t have to publish any ads in a newspaper.
  • If your LLC has a Statutory Agent with an address in any other county, you must publish an ad in a local newspaper.

If your LLC has to publish an ad, it should be done within 60 days of your LLC being approved.

If you’re past the 60 days and haven’t received any notices from the Arizona Corporation Commission, just publish your ad and take care of things as soon as possible.

If you’re past the 60 days and you’ve received a notice from the Arizona Corporation Commission, make sure to publish your ad as soon as possible and then notify the AZCC and follow any instructions in your notice.

Arizona LLC newspapers

The following newspapers have been provided by the Arizona Corporation Commission and they meet the statutory requirements for publishing an LLC ad.

We recommend calling a few newspapers and checking the cost.

You can say:

“Hello, I’d like to check the publication costs for my new LLC to run a Notice of Publication for 3 runs.”

Next step:

Once you find a newspaper you will publish with, please go back to the full lesson on Arizona LLC Publication Requirements.

Arizona LLC approved newspapers

(If you’re on a mobile device, the table scrolls left and right)

Navajo TimesP.O. Box 310Window Rock, AZ 86515928-871-1130
White Mountain IndependentP.O. Box 1570Showlow, AZ 85902928-537-5721
Arizona Range News122 S. HaskellWilcox, AZ 85643520-384-3571
The Bisbee Observer7 Bisbee Rd., Ste. LBisbee, AZ 85603520-432-7254
Douglas Dispatch530 11Th StreetDouglas, AZ 85607520-364-3424
San Pedro Valley News-Sun200 S. OcotilloBenson, AZ 85602520-586-3382
Sierra Vista Herald102 Fab AvenueSierra Vista, AZ 85635520-515-4605
The Tombstone NewsP.O. Box 1760 525 E. Allen Street, #4Tombstone, AZ 85638520-457-3086
Arizona Daily Sun1751 S. ThompsonFlagstaff, AZ 86001928-774-4545
Asian American Times2011 South Henkel CircleMesa, AZ 85202480-839-5139
Lake Powell ChronicleP.O. Box 1716Page, AZ 86040
Navajo TimesP.O. Box 310Window Rock, AZ 86515928-871-1130
Sedona Red Rock NewsP.O. Box 619Sedona, AZ 86339928-282-7795
Southern Utah News245 S. 200 EastKanab, UT 84741435-644-2900
Williams-Grand Canyon News118 S. Third StreetWilliams, AZ 86046928-635-4426
Arizona Silver Belt298 N. Pine Street P.O. Box 31Globe, AZ 85501928-425-7121
Copper Basin News366 Alden RoadKearny, AZ 85137520-363-5554
The Payson RoundupP.O. Box 2520 708 N. Beeline HwyPayson, AZ 85541928-474-5251
Eastern Arizona Courier301A E. Hwy 70Safford, AZ 85546928-428-2560
The Copper Era301A E. Hwy. 70Safford, AZ 85546928-428-2560
La Paz
Parker Pioneer1317 Joshua Avenue, Suite LParker, AZ 85344928-453-4237 Ext-222
Today’s News Herald (Havasu News)2225 W. Acoma Blvd.Lake Havasu, AZ 86403928-453-4237 Ext-214
MaricopaLLCs with a Statutory Agent address in Maricopa county don't have to publish.
Kingman Daily Miner3015 Stockton Hill RdKingman, AZ 86401928-753-6397
Mohave Valley Daily News2435 Miracle MileBullhead City, AZ 86442928-763-2505
The Standard221 E. Beale St.Kingman, AZ 86401928-753-1143
Today’s News Herald (Havusu News)2225 W. Acoma Blvd.Lake Havasu, AZ 86403928-453-4237 Ext. 214
Southern Utah News245 S. 200 EastKanab, UT 84741435-644-2900
Arizona Daily Sun1751 S. ThompsonFlagstaff, AZ 86001928-556-2280
Navajo Hopi Observer2717 N. 4th Street, Suite 110Flagstaff, AZ 86004928-226-9696
Navajo TimesP.O. Box 310Window Rock, AZ 86515928-871-1130
The Tribune-NewsP.O. Box 670Holbrook, AZ 86025928-524-6203
White Mountain IndependentP.O. Box 1570Show Low, AZ 85902928-537-5721
PimaLLCs with a Statutory Agent address in Pima county don't have to publish.
Arizona Chinese American7328 N. 7th AvenuePhoenix, AZ 85021602-269-3062
Casa Grande Dispatch200 W 2nd StreetCase Grande, AZ 85122520-423-8605
Coolidge Examiner200 W 2nd StreetCase Grande, AZ 85122520-423-8605
Copper Basin News366 Alden RoadKearny, AZ 85137520-363-5554
Eloy Enterprise200 W 2nd StreetCase Grande, AZ 85122520-423-8605
Florence Reminder190 N. Main StreetFlorence, AZ 85132520-423-8605
San Manuel MinerP.O. Box 60San Manuel, AZ 85631520-385-2266
Superior Sun467 Main StreetSuperior, AZ 85173520-363-5554
Santa Cruz
Nogales International268 W. View Point Dr.Nogales, AZ 85621520-375-5760
The Weekly Bulletin268 W. View Point Dr.Nogales, AZ 85621520-375-5760
Camp Verde JournalP.O. Box 2048Campe Verde, AZ 86322928-567-3341
The Daily Courier1958 Commerce Center CirclePrescott, AZ 86301928-445-3333
Verde Independent116 S. Main StreetCottonwood, AZ 86326928-634-2241
Yuma Sun2055 S. Arizona AveYuma, AZ 85364928-539-6813

Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz is the leading expert on LLC education, and has been teaching for 15 years. He founded LLC University in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.

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2 comments on “Arizona Approved Newspapers”

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page shall be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Rules and regulations vary by location. They also change over time and are specific to your situation. Furthermore, this comment section is provided so people can share their thoughts and experience. Please consult a licensed professional if you have legal or tax questions.

  1. Hello, I recently formed a LLC, and when I search online regarding the publication requirement, some sites are suggesting that maricopa county does not require article of publication if your business is located and operate only in Maricopa county, while others suggesting it a requirement. This seems to be conflicting and confusing. Can you advice?


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