Delaware LLC Annual Franchise Tax

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What is the Annual Franchise Tax for Delaware LLCs?

After you form a Delaware LLC, you will have annual requirements to keep track of.

Delaware LLCs do not have to file an Annual Report (like Corporations do). However, they have to pay a flat-rate Annual Franchise Tax of $300 each year.

This $300 tax must be paid by every LLC formed in Delaware, regardless of income or business activity. This is a requirement to keeping your LLC in compliance with the state.

Method of Filing (online only)

Your Annual Franchise Tax can only be paid online and cannot be filed by mail. You can make payment using a credit card or your checking account.


The Annual Franchise Tax for Delaware LLCs is $300 (per year).

Due Date

LLC Annual ReportYour Annual Franchise Tax must be paid by June 1st every year.

Your first payment is due the calendar year following the year that your LLC was approved.

For example, if your LLC was approved on March 12th, 2025, your first Annual Franchise Tax will be due by June 1st, 2026.


If you do not file your Annual Franchise Tax by June 1st, you will be charged a late fee of $200. Your account will also be penalized at 1.5% interest for every month it remains unpaid.


The state will send reminder notifications by mail to your LLC’s Registered Agent. They are sent in February each year.

We also recommend putting a repeating reminder on your calendar because even if you don’t receive a reminder notice, it’s still your responsibility to pay the tax every year.


We recommend paying your Franchise Tax early (you can begin paying in February) to avoid any late fees. Many people pay this tax in April, since they’ll be paying other taxes as well at that time.

Instructions for Delaware LLC Annual Franchise Tax Payment

1. Visit state’s online portal

Visit the state’s online filing system:
Delaware Corporations Information System

2. Enter your LLC’s File Number

Enter your LLC’s File Number and click the “Continue” button.

Business Entity File Number: You’ll need your Business Entity File Number (also known as your “File Number”) in order to make payment online. You can find your LLC’s File Number by searching the database here.

Need Help? If you need help locating your File Number, you can contact the Franchise Tax Division by phone (302-739-3073, option 3) or email ( Their phone support hours are 8am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

3. Review fees/taxes due

Review the tax that is due (if applicable, late fees will show) and then click the “Pay Taxes” button.

4. Enter your payment information

At the top, select “Pay Full Amount“.

Select your method of payment (most people use ACH or credit card), then enter your payment, billing address, and contact information.

Then click the “Submit” button.

Congratulations, your Delaware LLC Annual Franchise Tax has been paid!

5. Email confirmation

You will receive an email confirmation from the state showing that you have made the payment successfully.

We recommend printing this email and keeping it with your business records.

There is nothing else you need to do after making payment. Just make sure to pay your Annual Franchise Tax each year going forward.

Delaware Franchise Tax Division Contact Info

If you have any questions about your LLC’s Annual Franchise Tax, you can contact the Franchise Tax Division at 302-739-3073 (option 3).

Their hours are Monday through Friday from 8am to 4:30pm Eastern Time.

Their email is:

Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz is the leading expert on LLC education, and has been teaching for 15 years. He founded LLC University in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.

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2 comments on “Delaware Annual Franchise Tax”

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page shall be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Rules and regulations vary by location. They also change over time and are specific to your situation. Furthermore, this comment section is provided so people can share their thoughts and experience. Please consult a licensed professional if you have legal or tax questions.

  1. Good morning Mr. Horwitz,

    I’m so great full your available to assist first time LLC companies. I made mine in Delaware in 2016. Creative charters International & Travel LLC. I was hoping my Son would join me he’s still thinking about it. Can I add my 3 yr old grand daughter tho. It’s just me, for now. I was told by the agent I did not need any formal documents 4 my LLC in Delaware. I do my business from home in Ft. Myers fl. I did file with the State, and local gov. Which I was told my an account I didn’t really have too. So I’m not really sure! So did so anyway.

    I have down loaded the form operating agreement form , for internal use, from your site, thank you. I also need to fill out an Annual tax form. Delaware charges 300.00 flat fee every yr.
    I am building a website it’s online & says under maintenance, at this time. It’s going to provide luxury yacht, jet charters, empty leg jet charters, travel. Some if not most of the travel will be through affiliate companies, Disney cruises, Delta airlines, and others where my site will make a percentage 4 each sales. They provide all the info, for my site and I get my commission, at the end of the month or every 2 weeks.
    For accounting purposes, I’m not sure how it will work, on the site. I’ve been thinking, of using Wave accounting which also accepts credit cards & is free. I don’t know if you’ve heard of them. It can be used 4 the air charters, & empty legs. They are competing with Quick books. I’m not sure if this program will be able to calculate the websites affiliate earnings or not or the one’s with their own booking format on my site? It’s my first website. I’m using, with boldgrid & wordpress. They advertise setting up your website in no time at all, of course. I’m going on my third month. I went this way because I own my site, it’s not leased. Anyway, it’s trial & error, for me, I’m so anxious, to get it public and hopefully look very professional alto there are doubts. There was a computer class teach, at a university, at one time who was advertising building new websites, for clients, with his class, for 10.00 a month. Not so now.
    month. Not the case now.

    ? how to I list my website(s) etc under my LLC & for protection, I have 3 other websites which I plan, to use, for marketing charters, travel as well. Where do I list cars, etc.
    Gradually I want to have memberships on line, for customers who want to use my site(s), to book their private jets when ever they wish, using a personal card. It would be nice some day, to have members, in my LLC as well. Altho I’m not sure how this will work?

    Well, if I didn’t confuse you that’s amazing. If you can answer my questions that will be very helpful and appreciated greatly.

    Best regards,


    I hope I explained this ok.

    thank you so much for helping

    best regards,


    • Hi Joan, I’ve heard of Waves, but have not fully reviewed their software. I’m also not sure if they track affiliate earnings. I’d recommend speaking with an accountant. We have info on that here. The way to list the website under your LLC is update the ownership information inside your domain registrar as well as your hosting account. And also make the copyright notice and any other legal page (disclaimer, terms of service, etc.) mention the LLC so the public knows who they are doing business with. And regarding a website membership, that is completely different from LLC members and you don’t want to get the two confused. Hope that helps.


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