Georgia LLC Articles of Organization

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Hire a company to form your LLC:
Northwest ($39 + state fee)
LegalZoom ($149 + state fee)

Deal alert! Northwest will form your LLC for $39 (60% discount). See details.

Articles of OrganizationIn this guide, we will walk you through filing your LLC Articles of Organization and Transmittal Form with the Georgia Secretary of State. These are the documents that officially form your Georgia LLC.

You can file your Articles of Organization by mail or online. The filing fee is $100 if you file online or $110 if you file by mail.

Note: The “LLC filing fee” (the fee to create a Georgia LLC) is the same thing as the “Articles of Organization fee”. The Articles of Organization is the document, that once approved by the Secretary of State’s office, creates your Georgia LLC.

We recommend filing your Articles of Organization online because the approval time is quicker and it’s easier to complete.

How long does it take to get an LLC in Georgia?

If you file by mail, the approval time is 15 business days (plus mail time).

If you file online, the approval time is 7-10 business days.

Note: Filing times may take longer due to government delays. For the most up-to-date LLC processing times, check how long does it take to get an LLC in Georgia.

You will find instructions below for both filing by mail and filing online.

If you want to hire a company to form your LLC instead, we’ve reviewed the Best LLC Services in Georgia, so you can select the best service for your LLC’s needs.

Tip: Before acting on this lesson, make sure you have searched your desired LLC name and selected your Georgia Registered Agent.

Need to save time? Hire a company to form your LLC:
Northwest ($39 + state fee) or LegalZoom ($149 + state fee)

(Learn why Northwest is #1 in Northwest vs LegalZoom)

How to file Georgia Articles of Organization by Mail

When forming your LLC by mail, you need to submit the Articles of Organization as well as a Transmittal Form.

Download Articles of Organization (Form CD030):
Georgia Articles of Organization

Download Transmittal Form (Form 231):
Georgia Transmittal Form

For help filling out the Articles of Organization and Transmittal Form, you can reference our online instructions below as they are very similar.

Note: The Transmittal Form can seem repetitive if you’re the LLC member, the person filing the paperwork, and you’re the LLC’s Registered Agent. If that is the case, you will be repeating your contact information a few times.

Your mail filing must include:

  • 2 copies of the Articles of Organization (1 original and 1 copy)
  • Transmittal Form
  • Filing Fee

Filing Fee: $110

Accepted Forms of Payment: Check or Money Order

If sending a check, the check must have a pre-printed full street address on it. The state does not accept starter or temporary checks.

Made Payable To: “Georgia Secretary of State”

Georgia LLC Secretary of State Corporations Division
(Georgia Secretary of State, Corporations Division Building)

Mailing Instructions: Send your $110 filing fee, 2 copies of your Articles of Organization, and your Transmittal Form to:

Corporations Division
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE
Suite 313, West Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334

Wait for Approval: The state will approve your LLC in 15 business days (plus mail time).

They’ll send back the following by mail:

  • a receipt,
  • a stamped and approved copy of your Articles of Organization, and
  • a Certificate of Organization (which has a state seal and can be used when opening a bank account).

How to file Georgia Articles of Organization Online

Create an online account:

1. Visit this link: Georgia Corporations Division: Customer Login

2. Click the “Create a User Account” button.

3. Enter your contact information and email address. Then click “Continue”.

4. Create a User ID, a password, and a security question. Then click “Create My Account”.

Your User ID needs to be at least 8 characters long.

Your password needs to be at least 8 characters long. It must also contain 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character (ex: $, #, etc.).

5. You will see a confirmation message on the next page displaying your User ID and password. Please print this page or save your login information. Click “Login” to proceed.

Filing your Articles of Organization online:

Click the “Create or Register a Business” button to get started.

1. Create Business
Select “I am creating a new domestic business”.

Then in the “Business Type” drop down list, select “Domestic Limited Liability Company”.

Note: We don’t teach foreign LLC registration (out-of-state LLCs registering in Georgia). If you need to register a foreign LLC in Georgia, the steps will be slightly different.

2. Business Name
Enter your LLC name exactly as you would like it, including your preferred capitalization, as well as the designator “LLC” or “L.L.C.” (the abbreviation “LLC” is the most common).

Note: You can use a comma or you can leave it out. (Example: “ABC Widgets, LLC” and “ABC Widgets LLC” are both acceptable). For more information on the comma in your LLC name, watch this video.

Entering a 2nd choice and 3rd choice name is optional. Fill those in as “backups” in case your desired LLC name is not available.

3. Business Purpose
In this section you have the option to list your business industry or you can choose not to share this information.

To list your business industry, select a “NAICS Code” from the drop down list and then select a “NAICS Sub Code” from the 2nd drop down list.

Note: A NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code is used by government agencies to identify your LLC’s line of business and business activities.

If you prefer not to share this information (or aren’t sure), just click the “NAICS Code” drop down list and select “Any legal purpose”.

Need to save time? Hire a company to form your LLC:
Northwest ($39 + state fee) or LegalZoom ($149 + state fee)

(Learn why Northwest is #1 in Northwest vs LegalZoom)

4. Principal Office Address
Enter the principal street address of your LLC (PO Boxes aren’t allowed).

The state will use this address to send you normal correspondence (not legal documents). You can use any street address, as long as it is located in Georgia. It can be a home address, an office address, or the address of your Registered Agent.

Click the “Continue” button at the bottom to proceed to the next step.

5. Business Email
Enter your preferred email address (twice). This is where your approval will be sent back to.

I know it’s called “Business Email”, but it doesn’t have to be an actual business email address. You can just use your personal email address.

6. Registered Agent Information

Before proceeding, make sure you’ve read these articles:

If you (or a friend or family member) will be your LLC’s Registered Agent:
Click the “Create Registered Agent” button.

If the button is grayed out, you’ll need to enter your/their name in the “Registered Agent Name” box and click “Search”.

You’ll either see a list of similar names or a popup box that says “No data found”. Close whichever box/window appears and now the “Create Registered Agent” button will be clickable.

Now click the “Create Registered Agent” button.

Enter your/their contact information and click the “Create Registered Agent” button to save.

Commercial Registered Agent:
If you hired a Commercial Registered Agent, like Northwest Registered Agent, enter their name in the “Registered Agent Name” box and click the “Search” button.

A popup window will appear. Find your Commercial Registered Agent in the list and click the “Select” circle to the right. Then click the “OK” button at the bottom to save.

Note: If you see your Commercial Registered Agent listed dozens of times, that’s normal. Just select any one that has the correct address.

7. Organizer Information
The Organizer is the person (or people) submitting the LLC paperwork to the state. This will most likely be you (and or another LLC member).

We explain more about the Organizer’s role in LLC Organizer vs LLC Member and Registered Agent vs LLC Organizer.

Enter the 1st Organizer’s contact information and click the “Add” button to save.

Add any additional Organizers (this is optional, you only need to enter 1 Organizer).

8. Optional Provisions
This section is used to add additional rules and regulations to your LLC.

This section is not required, and will most likely not apply. If that’s the case, you can leave it blank.

9. Filer’s Certification (Signature)
Check off the box agreeing to the terms.

Then select your “Effective Date“. Most people choose today’s date. This means your LLC will be officially formed on the date it’s filed with the state.

If you need to forward date your filing, you can do so up to 90 days.

Matt Horwitz, founder of LLC University®

Pro tip: If you’re forming your LLC in October, November, or December, and you don’t need your business open during those months, forward date your filing to January 1st. This will save you the hassle of doing unnecessary taxes. For more information, please see LLC effective date.

Then enter your full name in the “Authorizer Signature” box.

In the “Authorizer Title” drop down list:

  • select “Member” if you own the LLC, or
  • select “Organizer” if you’re filing LLC for someone else.

Click the “Continue” button at the bottom to proceed.

10. Review Page
Review all of the information you entered and check for typos.

  • If you need to make any changes, click the “Edit Info” or “Back” button.
  • If everything looks good, click the “Continue” button at the bottom to proceed.

11. Processing Time
In the “Would you like to expedite the filing” drop down list, select your desired processing time.

Your options are:

  • “Regular Process” for the standard processing (7-10 business days). The total filing fee will be $100.
  • “24-48 Hours” for an expedited 2-day processing. The total fees will be $200.
  • “Same Day” for an expedited same-day processing. The total fees will be $350. Note: for same-day processing, you must file before noon.

Click the “Click to Pay” button to proceed and make payment.

12. Make Payment
Enter your contact and billing information, then click the “Pay With Your Credit Card” button to submit your payment.

Congratulations, your Georgia LLC has been filed for processing! Now you just need to wait for approval.

Georgia LLC Approval

Online: 7-10 business days
By Mail: 15 business days (plus mail time)

Whether you filed online or by mail, you’ll receive back the following 3 items:

  • Receipt
  • Stamped and approved copy of your Articles of Organization
  • Certificate of Organization (which has a state seal and can be used when opening a bank account)

If you filed by mail, your documents will be returned in the mail.

If you filed online, your documents will be emailed to you as attachments (in 2 separate emails).

Video Instructions

Note: The Articles of Organization used in this video doesn’t match the Articles of Organization download link below. Management can be determined via your Operating Agreement. Duration and Purpose aren’t required. Thank you for your understanding.

Georgia LLC - Filing Forms & Documents

Georgia Secretary of State Contact Info

If you have any questions, you can contact the Georgia Secretary of State (8am – 5:30pm) at 404-656-2817.

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Georgia LLC Articles of Organization FAQs

How much does an LLC in Georgia cost per year?

All Georgia LLCs need to pay $50 per year for the Annual Registration Fee. These state fees are paid to the Secretary of State to keep your LLC in good standing. This is the only state-required annual fee.

If you hired a Registered Agent Service, you’ll have an annual subscription fee to pay each year. This is usually about $125 per year.

Some LLCs may need a business license in Georgia. This depends on your industry and where your LLC is located. You’ll need to check with your municipality to see if there are any annual renewal fees for the business permit.

We explain all of the Georgia LLC fees in How much is an LLC in Georgia.

Is Georgia a good state to start an LLC?

Whether Georgia is a good state to start an LLC depends on where you live – and where you’re doing business.

Meaning, if you live in or do business in Georgia, then you should start your LLC in Georgia. While many websites talk about tax rates and advantages of certain states, none of that applies if it’s not the state where you live and do business.

For example, if you form an LLC in Delaware, but live in and conduct business in Georgia, you’ll also need to register your Delaware LLC in Georgia (and pay extra fees). And you’ll end up paying Georgia taxes anyway. This ends up leading to more costs and more headaches with no advantages.

In summary, if you live in and conduct business in Georgia, then yes, Georgia is a good state to start a business. If you don’t live in and do business in Georgia, then no, Georgia isn’t a good state to start a business.

Real estate exception: If you’re purchasing real estate outside of Georgia, you should form your LLC in the state where the property is located.

For more information, please see Best State to Form an LLC.

Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz is the leading expert on LLC education, and has been teaching for 15 years. He founded LLC University in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.

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55 comments on “Georgia Filing Forms”

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page shall be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Rules and regulations vary by location. They also change over time and are specific to your situation. Furthermore, this comment section is provided so people can share their thoughts and experience. Please consult a licensed professional if you have legal or tax questions.

  1. Hi Matt, I filed a LLC in December and I am now looking to change the Business Purpose. I wanted to check on two things.
    1. Does the Business Purpose restrict the kind of business I can do in that does it have to be exactly what I listed
    2. If I need to change the business purpose to “Any legal purpose” how do I go about doing so. Thanks.

    Very helpful article. Thanks

    • Hi Gen, you don’t have to file anything for this. By default, Georgia LLCs are formed for “any lawful purpose”, unless the Articles of Organization or Operating Agreement specifically states otherwise or unless the LLC is governed by a certain body of law. Hope that helps.

      • Hi Matt!

        I just submitted my LLC form online yesterday, and found all this amazing information today. For the NAICS purpose, I put “unknown.” My LLC services will eventually include Pilates training services as well as selling some apparel items. To clarify your comment here, am I fine to leave my NAICS purpose as “unknown”? There is no issue or penalty with the state/taxes/anything to not have it selected?

        Thank you so much for this information, I’m so glad I found it!

        • Hi Matt,

          In reviewing one more time, I realized I also put my registered agent company’s address with my name under the “Organizer Information” section.

          So the organizer is listed as my name, with my registered agent’s address. I did not include my home address in any of the fields for the LLC submission form.

          The registered agent’s address is included for the Office Address, the Registered Agent Address, and the Organizer Address. Does that present any issues?

          Thank you again. This website is invaluable!

  2. I need to change the ownership name of my LLC. how can I do that? Which form do I need to submit?

    • Hi Atoosa, changing LLC ownership is actually private/internal. You don’t file anything with the Georgia Secretary of State. There are a number of steps. Are you going from Single-Member LLC to Multi-Member LLC (or vice versa)? What is the reason you are changing ownership? Sometimes there are easier routes to take, which is why I ask.

  3. Thanks for all the information that is summed up in one place and help new comers like me to better understand the process as well as new terminology.
    I have followed all your great instructions and created an LLC online in GA state.
    While i was filing this (7. Organizer Information) section, i have added only the owners name here, but later on i have heard that if you file with only one name in Organizer section, that means it is called as “Single Member LLC”.. is that correct?
    Though my intention was to create a multi member LLC, if i did mess it up, is there a way to correct/ amend it in the State of GA?
    Appreciate your help on this.

    • Hi Bon, you’re very welcome! No, that is not correct. The LLC Organizer is just the LLC Organizer. The LLC Organizer may be an LLC Member (owner), however, signing as the LLC Organizer doesn’t make someone an owner. In Georgia, the Members are not listed in the Articles of Organization or Transmittal Form. The LLC Member(s) is/are listed in the Georgia LLC Operating Agreement. No, you don’t need to change anything with the state since the Members aren’t listed. You can have yourself and the other Member(s) sign the LLC Operating Agreement. And you, as the LLC Organizer, can sign a Statement of LLC Organizer, which says that you organized the LLC and you can list yourself and the other LLC Members(s) in this document as well. Hope that helps :)

      • Hi Matt!

        When I was submitting my LLC form, I put myself as “Organizer” for the “Authorizer Title” instead of “Member.” I see in your information here that as the owner, I should’ve (or could’ve) actually put “Member.” Just to clarify for this situation based on your reply, is there anything I need to change with that submission to the state?

        If I’m understanding correctly, 1) there is no change I need to make with the state of Georgia because the articles of organization don’t have a section for Members/Owners; 2) all I need to do is just include myself as the owner in my internal-only Georgia LLC Operating Agreement; 3) I can also sign an internal-only Statement of LLC Organizer?

        Thank you! So many details!

  4. Hi Matt
    My initial company (LLC) that is in good standing with GA SOS since 2009 is just sitting there due to graduate school; the 2nd LLC company I formed in NC with the SOS is dissolved and I now live back in GA and want to keep my name of my 2nd company. So instead of doing a dba with the 1st company, I am just going to do a change of name with it and change it to the 2nd company. (Sounds confusing)… I don’t plan on doing nothing with the 1st company so that’s the reason. I think I am doing right, right?
    Oh with all that being said… EIN how do I handle that?
    Do a name change with the IRS or cancel the 1st company’s EIN. And the same with the bank, I still have both bank accounts, not much in either one, since I haven’t been working either businesses.
    Thanks a mill

    • Hi Dee, let’s say the Georgia LLC is called ABC Shipping LLC and the North Carolina LLC is called Roger Rockets LLC. If you want to change the Georgia LLC’s name to Roger Rockets LLC, you’d file an Articles of Amendment with the Georgia Secretary of State. Then you’d change the LLC name with the IRS, change the name at the bank, and change the name Georgia Department of Revenue, to name the basics.

      When you ask, I think I am doing that right, correct?, what is your intention? Are you trying to “secure” the name Roger Rockets LLC in the state of Georgia… or something else?

      Nothing changes with the the EINs since the underlying legal entities (the LLCs) are not changing.

      • Yes, Matt that is my intention to secure the name Roger Rockets LLC in the state of Georgia. So I would just do that and then IRS close the Roger Rockets EIN and the bank account as well. Correct? So everything that was once ABC Shipping LLC is now changing to the Roger Rockets LLC. AND everything that was Roger Rockets LLC need to be closed.

        • Hi Dee, to clarify, it’s only the name of ABC Shipping LLC is changing to Roger Rockets LLC. ABC Shipping LLC doesn’t “become” the prior Roger Rockets LLC. And yes, once you are ready to close the original Rocker Rockets LLC (North Carolina entity), you can file a final tax return, dissolve the LLC with the state, close the bank account, and then cancel the EIN. Hope that helps.

      • Hi Matt!

        I have a similar question related to DBAs. I created my LLC name thinking it was super simple to also have a (very similar) “DBA” brand name specific to my apparel brand. In Georgia it seems like there are quite a few steps to register a DBA.

        Do you recommend I submit the form to change my original LLC name instead? Or go through the steps to also maintain a registered DBA? I’d prefer whichever route is simplest and easiest to maintain.

        (My LLC Name ends with ‘Pilates LLC’. For the apparel brand, I wanted to have a ‘Co.’ at the end of the name, so the brand name would end in ‘Pilates Co.’ instead of just ‘Pilates’).

        And I assume I then also trademark the brand name?

        Thank you so much!!!

  5. I listed myself and a friend as organizers on my LLC . I also stated that I am the registered agent. My understanding is that being an organizer doesn’t make her an owner. I am the sole owner of this LLC. At the end, in the drop down box, I chose Authorizer and not Member. Is there a way to change this so that paperwork will reflect me being the owner?

    • Hi Kelsi, correct. If someone is an LLC Organizer that doesn’t automatically make them a Member (owner). The same thing goes for the Georgia Registered Agent. Did you and your friend enter into an oral agreement to be business partners in the LLC? If so, there is an oral Operating Agreement in place. If not, and you are the only owner, your ownership is listed in the LLC Operating Agreement. LLC Members are not listed in the Articles of Organization in Georgia. Hope that helps.

  6. I wish I found this website a few months ago. If I already paid for a name reservation and got an EIN for a business name that didn’t include the letters, “LLC” do I need to go and somehow change the name to include an LLC? Or do I need to start over and select a different name?

    • Hi Derek, if you haven’t used the EIN much, the easiest thing to do is cancel the EIN and just apply for another one. You don’t need to wait for the cancellation to go through first. Alternatively, you can update the IRS by filing a “name change”. We have that information here: Change LLC name with IRS. Either way, you won’t need to create a new LLC. Hope that helps!

  7. Thanks for the explanation but I have some questions:

    1) I’m aware April 1st is the due date for the annual registration, do I have to pay another $50 come April 1st because I just registered my llc today 14/02/2020 with the state of Georgia?

    2) I applied for EIN with IRS after I completed and submitted the articles of Organization, I guessed that was a mistake cos I watched your video discouraging applicants not to do so . Will this mistake has any effect on my application?

    3) do I still need to complete registration with DOR /GTC ?


    • Hi Kabeer, you’re very welcome!
      1) No, your first Georgia LLC Annual Registration Fee isn’t due until the year following the year of formation. So your first Annual Registration Fee won’t be due until 2021. You can file as early as January 1st 2021, but the last day to file is April 1st 2021 (before it’s late).
      2) If you used the same LLC name on the EIN application that was later approved by the Georgia Secretary of State, then all is good (the IRS doesn’t check to see if the LLC is approved by the state first). If there happened to be an issue with the EIN, it’s not a big deal. You can just cancel the EIN and apply for another one. However, it doesn’t sound like that’s the case.
      3) We have information here on Georgia LLC taxes. As to exactly what applications/registrations need to be completed for your LLC will depend on the nature of your business. We recommend speaking with an accountant for assistance. Hope that helps!

  8. Hi Matt, The LLC is 2 years old. I am looking to partner up by adding another member to the existing LLC. I have an EIN…etc. There were just only one at the initial filing.

    • Hi Dexter, it’s a bit complicated. And we recommend hiring an attorney, however, here is the overview.

      1. You need to sell/transfer some of your LLC membership interest to the new Member because you currently own 100%. This can be done with an Assignment of LLC Membership Interest form.

      2. You’ll need to amend the LLC’s Operating Agreement showing that the new Member was added and reflecting the new ownership percentages.

      3. You don’t need to amend the Articles of Organization with the Georgia Secretary of State since Members are not listed there.

      4. Visit the bank together, show the bank your documentation, and add the new Member as a signer. We recommend calling the bank ahead of time to make sure you have all the documents they need.

      5. Currently, your Single-Member LLC is being taxed like a Sole Proprietorship by the IRS. With 2 Members now (a Multi-Member LLC), the LLC will need to be taxed like a Partnership. You need to notify the IRS of this change by filing IRS Form 8832. The form has some confusing language, so this should help:

      • 1: B
      • 2A: No
      • 2B: Skip/leave blank
      • 3: Yes
      • 4: Skip/leave blank
      • 5: Skip/leave blank
      • 6: B (a domestic eligible entity electing to be classified as a partnership)
      • 7: Skip/leave blank
      • 8: The date the membership interest was transferred to the new Member
      • 9 + 10: Enter your name, title (use “Partner”), and phone number
      • Part II (Late Election Relief): Skip/leave blank
      • Make sure you let your accountant know about the change in tax classification

      6. If you have an account with the Georgia Department of Revenue, you’ll need to contact them for instructions.
      Hope that helps!

      • Okay… because I called them on the walk through, they had told me that I needed to change the Articles or Organization. I am not sure if they knew what they were doing, though. I didn’t want to pay twice for changes since I had made a name change and was already waiting on that approval.

        • I see. It sounds like you were given the incorrect/misleading information on adding an LLC Member.

          • Yeah, I got someone on the phone that knew what to do and she put me on hold to ask another coworker. The other person verified the information, too! Also, I am contacting the SBDC , from a network contact, to make sure all my T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted.

            • Hey Dexter, that’s smart. We’re big of fans of quadruple-checking things and paying attention to the details!

  9. Where is the form for the Articles of Organization to add a member to an existing LLC?

    • Hi Dexter, LLC Members are not listed on the Articles of Organization. They are listed in the Operating Agreement. However, when was your LLC formed? Did you already get an EIN Number from the IRS? And how many Members were there to begin with. That will help us provide some more context and details for you.

  10. Hello Matt,

    I have searched the web for days with the hopes of finding a template/information about how to add myself to an existing LLC in Georgia… without seeking legal advice from an attorney. I will be part owner of an active commercial hauling LLC in the state of Georgia. Should I list myself as one of the organizers? Will I need to amend the annual registration in order to be added to the LLC. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    • Hi Alondra, there is not one form. There are multiple steps. Furthermore, Georgia LLC Members are not listed on the Articles of Organization (so you wouldn’t file an Amendment with the Secretary of State). And an LLC Organizer doesn’t mean you’re an LLC Member. It’s best practice to hire an attorney to properly draft all documents, however, here is the overview:
      • existing Members review the LLC Operating Agreement to check procedures for adding an LLC Member
      • existing Member(s) sign a Resolution stating the decision
      • existing Member(s) prepare an Assignment of Membership Interest Agreement (in order to sell you some of their interest)
      • Operating Agreement is amended
      • if there is a change in tax classification (ex: LLC going from Sole Proprietorship taxation to Partnership taxation), the IRS needs to be notified via Form 8832
      • if applicable, you need to be added as signer on the LLC bank account (must visit branch with all Members present)
      • if applicable, update state Department of Revenue (or equivalent agency)

      Hope that helps!

  11. Hello Matt,
    Great video and very well detailed. THANK YOU !!! Will I be denied if I obtained an EIN before filing for an LLC? Or would the state see that I have an EIN and connect it together for an approval?

    • Hi Fabienne, you’re very welcome! No, the state doesn’t look into your EIN. Did you already obtain an EIN? And if so, did you select LLC in the beginning and then enter the full LLC name in the EIN application? If that’s the case, you can go ahead and file your LLC under the same name and you should be good. Hope that helps.

  12. This information is so detailed. I really appreciate you putting this together. There is not clear information out there for business start up. The information navigation is very user friendly. Thanks again.

    • You’re very welcome Krystal :) Glad to hear we could help. Thanks for the awesome comment!

  13. Hi, I see only Article One in Form CD 030 and don’t see other Articles (2-4) in the form. Also, i don’t see a place to list members and their ownership percentages in the same form. I guess the GA state won’t care about them and i will have to list them in operating agreement. Can you please clarify? Thanks!!

    • Hi Bhoom, we added a note below the video to clarify. The Articles of Organization used in this video was before the state came out with their simplified version. Management can be determined via your Operating Agreement. Duration and Purpose aren’t required. Correct, Members and their percentage of ownership are determine in your Georgia LLC Operating Agreement. Thank you for your understanding and hope that helps.

  14. Extremely useful site. I was creating an LLC for second time but it was good to go through your step by step instructions. Thanks for your help.

  15. Great work, very clear and easy to understand!! Very informative regarding the Articles of Organization!! I can’t find, what needs to be done when you have to amend it though! When an organizer leaves, in Georgia, what do I have to do next?

    • Thank you Virginie! You don’t have to amend/change the LLC Organizer, since it’s a one-time role. However, any changes are made via the Georgia LLC Articles of Amendment. Hope that helps.

    • Hey Brittni, great question. No, when filing a Georgia LLC online, you don’t have to file something called a Transmittal Form. Essentially, when you file your LLC online, the Georgia Secretary of State has rolled the Articles of Organization and Transmittal Form all into the same online filing process. Hope that helps!

  16. Very helpful information. thanks for what you are doing. No one was explaining clearly how to get this process going but your site came in handy.
    john j

      • you sir and this site are god sent I had been trying to figure out what I needed to do and right before knocking out you popped out of no where thank you for all this information you have boron I me a new hope to continue to learn and challenge myself to be a business owner or at least enjoy the learning and the journey of it all god bless you

  17. Absolutely Awesome website and thanks for all the info!! I did note though your video of the Articles of Organization do not follow the form in your download….one has only one article number the other has several. Which is correct? Thanks

    • Hey Mark, thanks for the kind words! Please follow the written instructions, as they are most accurate. The current download for Articles of Organization is correct. The state updated the form since we recorded the video. We’ll have new instructions coming out soon to get rid of that confusion. Thanks for your comment!


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