How to Get a Missouri EIN Number (for Free) for an LLC - 2025 Guide

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We know dealing with the IRS can be intimidating, but getting an EIN for your LLC doesn’t have to be scary.

This page explains what an EIN is and we provide step-by-step instructions on getting an EIN for free for a Missouri LLC.

What is an EIN Number?

EIN Number for an LLC

EIN stands for Employer Identification Number and is assigned to your LLC by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a division within the federal government.

The EIN identifies your business to the IRS, the same way a Social Security Number identifies a person. You could also think of the EIN as your “account number” with the IRS.

Note: An EIN is not issued by the Missouri Secretary of State. It is only issued by the IRS.

Don't have an LLC yet? Hire Northwest to form your LLC for $39 + state fee (then add EIN to your order).

Have an LLC, but no EIN? Hire Northwest to get your EIN:
I have an SSN | I don't have an SSN

EIN Synonyms

You might see your EIN Number referred to in many different ways. They all mean the same thing, though.

Other terms for an EIN include:

  • EIN Number
  • Employer Identification Number
  • Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
  • Federal Tax ID Numbers
  • Missouri Federal Tax ID Number
  • Federal Tax Identification Number

Note: An EIN Number is not the same thing as a Missouri Tax ID Number. An EIN is issued by the IRS. And a Missouri Tax ID Number is issued by the Missouri Department of Revenue.

What’s an EIN used for?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is used by several different government agencies to identify your LLC.

Having an EIN for your Missouri Limited Liability Company lets you:

  • Open an LLC business bank account
  • File federal, state, and local tax returns
  • File Missouri income tax (including corporate income tax)
  • Obtain business lines of credit or business loans
  • Get a business credit card for your LLC
  • Register for a sales tax permit
  • Apply for business licenses or permits
  • Handle employee payroll and unemployment taxes (if applicable)

How much does it cost to get an EIN?

Applying for an EIN for your Missouri LLC is completely free. The IRS doesn’t charge any service fees for the EIN online application.

When should you get an EIN?

Don’t apply for an EIN until your Missouri LLC is approved.

Tip: If you applied for an EIN before your LLC is approved, or made another mistake, please see our FAQs below. We explain how to fix the most common EIN mistakes.

How do I file an EIN Application for my Missouri LLC?

Important: Make sure you finalize how many LLC Members you have before you apply for an EIN. Changing from a Single-Member LLC to a Multi-Member LLC (or vice versa) requires filing paperwork with the IRS and the state. Additionally, you’ll need to transfer LLC ownership, amend your Operating Agreement, and update your accountant (since your tax filing will change).

Note: An LLC doesn’t stand for Limited Liability Corporation. It stands for Limited Liability Company.

Apply for an EIN (US Citizens and US Residents)

We recommend applying for an EIN online if you have a SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number).

This is the easiest filing method and it has the fastest approval time. Your EIN Number will be issued at the end of the online application, which takes about 15 minutes to complete.

We have step-by-step instructions on this page:

How to apply for an EIN online

Note: You can also apply for an EIN by mail or fax, but this is really slow compared to the online filing. We only recommend this if you get an error message (called an EIN reference number) and the IRS says that you have to.

Apply for an EIN (Non-US residents)

If you’re a non-US resident (and don’t have an SSN or ITIN), you can still get an EIN for your Missouri LLC. You just can’t apply for a Federal tax EIN online.

Instead, you need to mail or fax Form SS-4 to the IRS. The SS-4 is the application form. We have step-by-step instructions on this page:

How to get an EIN without an SSN or ITIN

Note: If you’ve read somewhere that you have to hire a third party designee, this is not true. You can obtain your EIN yourself without using a third party designee.

EIN Approval (EIN Confirmation Letter)

Once the IRS issues an EIN for your Missouri LLC, you will receive your official approval, known as an EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575).

The method you use to apply for an EIN will determine how you receive your EIN Confirmation Letter. If you apply online, you can download the EIN Confirmation Letter at the end. If you mail or fax SS-4, the IRS mails your EIN Confirmation Letter.

Here is what the EIN Confirmation Letter looks like:

EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) for LLC

LLC Business Bank Account

After getting an EIN, you can open a business bank account for your Missouri LLC. The bank will need your EIN Confirmation Letter (or EIN Verification Letter) to open the account.

Please see business bank account for LLC for a list of recommended banks (and the documents you should bring).

If you’re a non-US resident, you can still open a US bank account for your LLC. Please see this page: Non-US resident opening US bank account for an LLC

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Contact Information

If you have any questions, you can call the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-829-4933. Their office hours are 7am – 7pm, Monday through Friday.

Use these options to speak to a live person:

  • Press option 1 for English.
  • Then press option 1 for Employer Identification Numbers.
  • Then press option 3 for “If you already have an EIN, but you can’t remember it, etc.”

Note: Pressing option 3 is the only way to get a live person.

We recommend calling the IRS right after they open to avoid long hold times.

The IRS won’t give you legal assistance, legal or tax advice, but they will answer questions about the EIN application process.

EIN Frequently Asked Questions

Does a Single-Member LLC need an EIN?

You may have seen other articles online say that Single-Member LLCs don’t need an EIN. While this is technically true, it’s bad advice.

Having an EIN can protect you from identity theft, and you’ll need an EIN for other purposes – not just filing taxes. Your Missouri LLC needs an EIN to:

  • Open an LLC business bank account
  • Obtain business lines of credit or business loans
  • Get a business credit card
  • Apply for business licenses or permits
  • Handle employee payroll (if applicable)

Plus, getting an EIN is free and takes just 10 minutes online. Said another way, we strongly recommend getting an EIN for your Single-Member LLC.

Does a Multi-Member LLC need an EIN?

Yes, all Multi-Member LLCs are required to get an EIN from the IRS. This is because it’s required by the Internal Revenue Code.

Do I need an EIN for my DBA?

No. A DBA can’t have an EIN. Remember, a DBA is just a nickname for a business or a person(s).

However, the business or person(s) that owns the DBA may need an EIN.

DBA owned by an LLC

If you have an LLC, your LLC needs its own EIN.

If your LLC has a DBA, don’t get an EIN for the DBA. The DBA is just a nickname for your LLC, and the IRS doesn’t recognize DBAs.

DBA owned by individual(s)

If you registered a DBA, but didn’t form a legal entity (like an LLC), then you’re operating a Sole Proprietorship (1 owner) or a General Partnership (2 or more owners).

Sole Proprietorship: Your Missouri Sole Proprietorship (with or without a DBA) isn’t required to have an EIN, but it’s optional.

General Partnership: Your Missouri General Partnership (with or without a DBA) must get an EIN. It’s required by the IRS.

Again, in both cases, the DBA itself doesn’t get the EIN. It’s the underlying business entity that gets the EIN.

Do I need an EIN for an LLC with no employees?

Yes, you should still get an EIN for your Missouri business even if you don’t hire employees.

Even though it’s called an Employer Identification Number, it doesn’t mean you have to have employees. Again, the EIN Number is just a way for the IRS to identify your business.

(Note: If you are the only owner in your business, you are not considered an employee. You are simply the owner.)

How should a husband and wife LLC get an EIN?

In most states, husband and wife LLCs can only be treated as a Multi-Member LLC taxed as a Partnership.

However, in community property states, married couples can choose between:

  • Husband and wife LLC taxed as a Partnership
  • Husband and wife LLC taxed as a Single-Member LLC (aka Qualified Joint Venture)

Missouri is not a community property state. So Missouri husband and wife LLCs can’t choose to be taxed as a Qualified Joint Venture (Single-Member LLC).

How you complete your EIN application determines the LLC’s tax status. For more information, please see Husband and Wife LLC (Qualified Joint Venture).

Common EIN mistakes and how to fix them

How do I find my EIN number online?

If you lose your EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575), or forget to download it online, you can’t get another one.

However, you can request an EIN Verification Letter (147C), and you can use that instead.

Both forms are accepted by everyone (including banks and the state government).

I thought applying for my EIN is what forms my LLC, right?

No, just getting an EIN from the IRS doesn’t form an LLC. LLCs aren’t formed with the IRS. They are formed with your state.

You are supposed to form an LLC in your state, and then apply for an EIN (aka Federal Tax ID Number).

If you’ve been operating your business by having an EIN and have not formed an LLC, you have unknowingly been operating as a Sole Proprietorship and the EIN is “attached” to you, personally. (An LLC and a Sole Proprietorship are two different types of business entities.)

Said another way, the EIN is not connected to your company – because the company (the LLC) hasn’t been formed.

If you want to have your company be an LLC: First, form an LLC, wait for it to be approved, and then apply for a new EIN. Later you can cancel your first EIN.

What if I applied for an EIN before my LLC was approved?

If your LLC gets approved (using the name you listed on your EIN application), there is nothing to worry about. As long as the name on your EIN Confirmation Letter matches your LLC name, then you can use that EIN for your LLC.

If your LLC is rejected, then you need to refile with the state and wait for your new LLC name to be approved. Then get a new EIN from the IRS. And cancel the old EIN.

How do I cancel an EIN?

If you need to cancel your EIN Number, you need to mail a cancellation letter to the IRS.

We have instructions and the cancellation letter here: How to cancel an EIN.

Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz
Matt Horwitz is the leading expert on LLC education, and has been teaching for 15 years. He founded LLC University in 2010 after realizing people needed simple and actionable instructions to start an LLC. He's cited by Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and the US Chamber of Commerce, and was featured by CNBC and InventRight.
Matt holds a Bachelor's Degree in business from Drexel University with a concentration in business law. He performs extensive research and analysis to convert state laws into simple instructions anyone can follow to form their LLC - all for free! Read more about Matt Horwitz and LLC University.

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15 comments on “Missouri Federal Tax ID Number (EIN)”

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page shall be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Rules and regulations vary by location. They also change over time and are specific to your situation. Furthermore, this comment section is provided so people can share their thoughts and experience. Please consult a licensed professional if you have legal or tax questions.

  1. I formed an LLC in Wyoming on the advice of an advisor. I live in Missouri. After that, I registered the LLC in Missouri as a foreign corporation. My question is, do I have to file annual taxes or some form with Wyoming? Also, how can I change this to a Missouri corporation so I do not have to deal with two states? I do not have anything in Wyoming; the advisor has an office in Wyoming and uses his address to deal with Wyoming. I want to change that, too.
    -Raj Jain

  2. Hi Matt!

    In the past month I have registered my company in MO, and I have my EIN. Unfortunately I don’t know whether I have a MO Tax ID Number or not yet. Is there a way to look this up?

    I’ve filed my initial registration report but as far as I can tell I haven’t needed, or seen, any documents with a MO Tax ID Number listed.

    Thank you in advance, your page has already answered quite a few of my questions!


    • Hi Patrick, I recommend calling the Missouri Department of Revenue at 573-751-5860 to check.

  3. Hi Matt,

    I live in Arizona, and I filed a domestic LLC in Missouri (this LLC will own a rental property). When applying for an EIN on the IRS website, it asks where the LLC is physically located. Should I answer Arizona or Missouri? My mailing address is in Arizona. Thanks!

    • Hi Frank, the IRS is ultimately looking for an ideal mailing address. Most people use the address where they more regularly receive mail. Hope that helps!

  4. Thank you so much Matt for your very informative website! I learned a lot and will visit it often to learn more. Formed our LLC and our on our way thanks to you and your website!

    • Hi Jason, you’re very welcome! Thank you for the kind words and congratulations on your successful LLC filing. Glad we could help make the process easy for you. Best wishes with your business!

  5. I started my LLC and got my EIN years ago and am now starting a second business checking account in another state, how do I get a copy of my EIN letter from the state?

    • Hi Steve, you’ll need to call the IRS (800-829-4933, 7am to 7pm) and verify you’re the owner of the LLC. They’ll be able to mail or fax you a letter called an EIN Verification Letter (“147C”). You could also call your first bank and ask for your EIN. And then just tell it to the new bank (if they’ll allow that). Or just look on any tax documents. Hope that helps!

    • If you want to use the existing EIN for your new LLC you’ll need to mail a letter to the IRS. It’s easier to just get a new EIN for your new LLC. Hope that helps.

  6. If you changed the registered agent on a. Company do you need a different ein number

    • Nope, the Registered Agent and your EIN are actually not connected. The IRS just asks for a mailing address, not a Registered Agent address. Now, if you listed your Registered Agent address on your EIN application and you’ve changed that address, then you’ll need to change your address with the IRS via Form 8822-B.


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